The Five Ways to Wellbeing, ētahi are rima ki te ngākau ngakau ore, is a set of five simple actions that have been proven to improve wellbeing in everyday life - Mental Health Foundation

Wellbeing is often described as the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a set of evidence based actions brought to New Zealand in 2009 by the Mental Health Foundation. You can incorporate them into your life anytime and you will begin to feel benefits.

Mindfulness is about keeping our attention on what is happening inside of us, and the world around us, moment to moment, focusing on what is happening right now, without judgement. Mindfulness is also about identifying how we are feeling, recognising our emotions and being kind to ourselves. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a simple way to start practicing and experience living more mindfully.

Useful links

The below websites provide free resources and free wellbeing programmes, take a browse and see what will work for you and your centre.


Read the Five Ways to Wellbeing Best Practice Guide, and visit each of our Five Ways to Wellbeing pages to get some ideas on how to begin.

Last updated 7 July 2022.